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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Five teams jockeying for playoffs -- or draft lottery?

Does anyone want the final, sixth playoff seed? As many as five teams might still have a shot to make the 2013 playoffs but it's almost as if some teams are doing anything they can to avoid it. Three playoff hopefuls have lost anywhere from four to seven games in a row as we head into the season's final two weeks.

Much of the playoff hunt has been set for some time, with the top 5 teams pulling away from the rest of the league in recent weeks. As far as seeding, Las Vegas has caught Philly for the top seed to make things interesting in the final weeks but most of the rest of the playoff dance card seems all but filled out: Hopatcong is on the cusp of clinching the top wild card and Hoboken is just a few games from putting away the Van Slyke Division.

The #6 seed has changed hands about three times in the past week, held at some point by Rowdy and Sardine City, but heading into Sunday's doubleheader this how it looks:
#6 Arkansas, 69-74, --
#7 Rowdy, 68-76, 1 1/2 GB
#8 Sardine City, 67-76, 2 GB
#9 Blue Ridge, 66-78, 3 1/2 GB
#10 Amityville, 64-79, 5 GB
Should the Golden Falcons hold on, it would be their first trip to the postseason since 2006. Rowdy just missed the playoffs last year but participated in 2011 as the Carolina Mudcats, as did Sardine City. Amityville last year secured the 4th seed while Blue Ridge has never made the postseason since joining the league in 2008. The way things are shaking out, whoever makes the playoffs could be the first sub-.500 squad to make the postseason.

Let's take a look at the contenders (who may be hoping to get into the lottery rather than the playoffs):

Arkansas, 69-74
Games remaining: 19 -- 11 road/8 home
Strength of schedule: .541 winning percentage for opponents
- 9 games versus teams with better records, including 7 against top 2 seeds (4 v. Las Vegas, 3 v. Philly)
- 10 games versus teams with worse records (including 5 v. Sardine City).

The Golden Falcons boasted an impressive road record earlier in the season and though it's evened out a bit, they're still 37-33. Could that be a good sign? They're the only team with a losing record that's better than .500 on the road (32-41 at home). They wrap up the year with a five-game road trip: two at Philly and a three-game set at Sardine City which could be a showdown for the 6th seed as the Straphangers currently trail by 3 1/2 games. The teams also meet earlier for two games in Arkansas.

Rowdy, 68-76, 1 1/2 GB 
Games remaining: 18 -- 9 road/9 home
Strength of schedule: .601 winning percentage for remaining opponents
- 13 games v. teams with better records (5 v. Hoboken, 4 v. Philly, 2 each v. Las Vegas and Vancouver)
- 5 games v. teams with worse records (including 2 v. Sardine City)

Rowdy lost out on the playoffs in last season's final game and only has two games (v. Sardine City) against teams jockeying for the final spot. The Roddy Pipers are just 1 1/2 games back of the final spot but have lost four in a row and face the most daunting schedule of any playoff contender the rest of the way.

Sardine City, 67-76, 2 GB
Games remaining: 19 -- 9 road/10 home
Strength of schedule: .516 winning percentage for remaining opponents
- 12 games v. teams with better records (including 5 v. Arkansas, 4 v. Vancouver)
- 7 games v. teams with worse records

The five remaining games between Sardine City and Arkansas could have a big impact on who gets the last playoff spot and conversely, who goes into the draft lottery. The Straphangers have to turn it around though after losing six straight.

Blue Ridge, 66-78, 3 1/2 GB 
Games remaining: 18 -- 5 road/13 home
Strength of schedule: .441 winning percentage for remaining opponents
- 3 games v. teams with better records (including 2 v. Philly and 1 v. Rowdy, who's just 2 games better)
- 15 games v. teams with worse records

As if winning 14 straight wasn't enough good news, the Bombers have the most home games remaining of any of the playoff contenders. Plus, Blue Ridge faces just one powerhouse opponent (Philly) the rest of the way, and only Amityville faces a weaker remaining schedule. The Cinderalla story for Blue Ridge could very well continue the rest of the season. The Bombers also enjoy three off days this week before playing their final 14 games. 
Amityville, 64-79, 5 GB
Games remaining: 19 -- 11 road/8 home
Strength of schedule: .438 winning percentage for remaining opponents 
- 4 games v. teams with better records (2 v. Hopatcong and 2 v. Rowdy)
- 15 games v. teams with worse records (5-game trip to end season; 2 v. Brick City, 3 v. Livingston)

The Ant Slayers have been in a downward spiral this week but if any team in the playoff hunt has an opportunity to turn things around -- and quickly -- it's Amityville. They face just one team with a winning record in their final 19 games (Hopatcong) and the only other team with a better record is Rowdy, who's only 3 1/2 games better.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

I miss reading all of the stories on this feed. Hope to see more of them!
