Johnson, making an impromptu visit to the Triple-A Dublin Lucky Charms, spotted the 21-year-old first baseman working out during pre-game warm-ups. Freeman had been acquired last month, along with pitcher Justin Masterson, from the Hoboken Cutters as part of the first rebuilding campaign in Sugar Bear history.
"Who the hell is that white dude and why is he wearing Freeman's jersey?" a perplexed Johnson asked Lucky Charms manager John Thomson.
Even after being told the "white dude" was indeed Freeman, Johnson wasn't convinced, and ordered security to throw Freeman out of the ballpark. It was only until he was shown Freeman's driver's license, passport, and certificate of live birth (long form) that Johnson was finally convinced of the player's identity.
He was clearly disappointed.
"Here I thought we got a young Fred McGriff, and instead it's a young Ryan Klesko," Johnson sniffed.
Not that Johnson should complain about that -- Klesko had a pretty good career as a Sugar Bear.
Still, he intends on filing a complaint with the Commissioner's Office for "false advertising."
"I haven't been this faked out by a player's non-blackness since Khalil Greene," Johnson said. "In fact, I'm still pretty sure that dude is a brother -- just really pale."
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